On Writing.
Score-based Diffusion Models (SBDMs)
SBDMs first progressively perturb the training data via a forward diffusion process.
And then learn to reverse this process to form a generative model of the unknown data distribution.
Forward Process
: training set with i.i.d. samples on .
: Intermediate distribution at time t.
: Forward diffusion process following SDEs.
: drift coefficient.
: diffusion coeffisient.
: infinitesimal positive timestep.
: standard Wiener process.
Denote : transition kernel from timestep 0 to t, which decided by and .
is usually an affine transformation w.r.t.
so that the is a linear Gaussian distribution
and can be sampled in one step. [Zhao et.al. 2021]
VP-SDE (Variance-preserving SDE)
Reverse Process
Reverse SDE by Anderson’s theorem: [Song et al. (2021)]
: standard Wiener process backward in time.
score-based model (approximate)
General Forms
: Gaussian Noise.
Forward Process:
Backward Process:
Choice of f, g, a, b:
linear noise schedule:
Geometrical noise schedule:
Controllable Generation
add guidance function to the score function:
Classifier Guidance
Unpaired I2I + SBDMs
Formulation Transfer Source image in source domain to target domain .
Goal Designing a distribution on target domain conditioned on an image to transfer.
ILVR (Choi. et al., 2021)
refine after each denoising step with a LPF .
EGSDE (Zhao et al., 2022)
design two energey-based guidance functions and follow cond. generation Song 2021.
Forward Process
where and .
for sampling:
More Detailed Explain.
Reverse Process
option #1 Predict directly as .
option #2 Predict the original sample , where
option #3 Predict the normal noise sample which has been added to the .
and hence
Loss: VAE to DDPM
Forward Process: sample for .
sample .
sample . (가우시안 샘플링)
compute . (Forward)
Compute noise: using model with parameter .
Minimize error: and by optimizing parameter .
Sample noise . (가우시안 샘플링)
Predict the noise in the sample:
and approximate the mean of the process at .
Next sample at is sampled from Gaussian distribution as:
...until is reached, in which case only the mean is extracted as output.
better sample quality at fewer steps.
Allows for deterministic matching between the starting noise and the generated sample .
Perform worse that DDPM for large numbers of steps ( e.g. 1000).
Noise Schedule
: Low Frequency 혹은 High Frequency를 만들 것인지 네트워크에게 알려주는 역할
DDIM: Sampling Faster. Non-Markovian process.
DDPM (Markovian) → DDIM (Non-Markovian).
다 같고, 샘플링만 다르다.
From DDPM equation (1) at ,
which yields,
based on specific measured at the previous step ,
if =0, deterministic. (noise:image=1:1 matching)
Generally, is set to:
new parameter to comtrol the magnitude of the stochastic component:
: appears to be particularly beneficial when fewer steps of the reverse process are applied and that specific type of process is known as DDIM.
So, how can the reverse chain be navigated in the reverse direction?
First, a sequence of fewer steps is defined as a subset of the original temporal steps of the forward process. Sampling is then based on (8).
DDIM: Sampling
predict .
Compute the direction towards current .
(if not DDIM) inject noise for stochastic functionality.
미분방정식처럼 생겼지? Solve with SDE.
Forward SDE:
Reverse SDE (Anderson 1982)
To Solve Reverse SDE, How to get score function?
option #1 Naive way: NN으로 score func. 학습.
⇒ But score of marginal diffused density is not tractable!
중간 timestep을 알 수 없어서 학습이 안됨.
option #2 Given .
Denoised score matching:
⇒ After expectation,
Consider reverse generative diffusion SDE:
In distribution equivalent to “Probability Flow ODE”: